Ayah Shaheen

About Me

Salams and welcome to my page! My name is Ayah Shaheen and I am a Palestinian Muslim born and raised here in America. I am the founder and Editor-in-Chief of AM Women Magazine, an online lifestyle and fashion magazine for Muslim women. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a passion for writing, a love of magazines, and an obsession with fashion.

As many other Muslim women can probably relate to, I really struggled with navigating through my identity from a young age, especially when it came to fashion. I loved everything I could not wear: all the pretty dresses, shorts, camis, skirts, etc. Ugh, it felt so unfair.

Of course, there were many other challenges that I faced and continue to face to this day, but as a lover of fashion, this was definitely one of the hardest. But the older I got, and quite frankly, the better I got at finding modest pieces to wear, the easier it became.

My modest fashion journey, however, is far from over. I still have a long way to go, but I am excited and ready to continue taking on the challenge to fully reach my goals, one modest outfit at a time.

And I am excited for you to join me along on this journey as well!

But wait… that’s not all. There were many other factors that led me to finally creating this blog, which has been a long time coming now.

This year in particular, I’ve faced many hardships that truly changed my perspective on life in more than one way. Between the pandemic, my husband’s motorcycle accident, and the fire that destroyed our soon-to-be forever home, life felt more unstable and unpredictable than ever.

If there is any “right” time to start something I’ve been holding off on, it is now.

I created this page not only as an outlet to express myself and my interests, but I wanted to share our story and how we’re turning our loss and adversity into positive growth and change.

In my little corner of the web, I want to share the realness you don’t see much of on the internet nowadays because life is not always roses and dandelions. But through my experiences, I have come to see just how much strength and power there is in choosing to grow through what you go through.

By sharing my own personal growth and journey forward, I hope that I can inspire and empower you to embrace all of the incredible, unfiltered parts of yourself, your identity, and your life, with all of your insecurities–the good and the bad & the ups and the downs.

It won’t always be pretty or easy, but we’ll get through it, together, Inshallah.